2 years ago

WARNING-WARNING-WARNING! Do not attempt if you're not sure about what you're doing!

Canonical has included KDE's Plasma 5.25.4 in their backports repositories under extras. You are able to upgrade if you want to, but if things are working fine and you're not experiencing any problems with 5.24 do you really need to update? Take a look at the links below and make sure you understand what's available to you. Make sure you back up your data like I keep saying, to make sure you don't lose anything if it gets all buggered up.

On that note; Remember our Words of Wisdom:

Don't drive drunk!
Don't drink and drive"
Don't got to eBay, Amazon, or use MS Edge Shopping all buzzed up because you think you're going to get the latest and coolest stuff...You're probably not.

In the meantime, Bottoms Up & Later Dudes!




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