"The Power of The Runes" - Magical System Series #2

2 years ago

“The POWER of The Runes”

Welcome to the TDP Videocast! Thank you for taking the time to hit ‘play’ and joining me here this evening.

Tonight we will be talking in episode #2 of “The Magical Systems” series about the awesome POWER of the Runes!
Many through the years (academically and otherwise) have relegated the runes to a mere “system of divination” when the actual “lore” of the Runes describes them as gateways of POWER in active sorcery.
This evening I will be going into:

✔️ The LORE of the Runes regarding their use
✔️ The aspect of Northern Magic actually used for divination
✔️ Some methods through which Rune Magic can be employed

This is a powerful way to attain self-realization and to work magic effectively for manifested results!

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Remember to check out the 2 volumes of a powerful teaching & grimoire: “Transcendent Keys to Power” and “Spirits of The Outer Ring” linked below:
“Transcendent Keys to Power” (book 1)

“Spirits of The Outer Ring” (book 2)

Together these books make for a powerful system of gnosis that YOU can adapt in your own practice for the greatest effectiveness!

Learn to be an effective magician/sorcerer! ↓


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