Can black seeds Nigella Sativa cure HIV? Reality or myth?

2 years ago

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Can black seeds Nigella Sativa cure HIV? Reality or myth?
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Black seed is the extraction of a herb. Its scientific name is Nigella Sativa. Famously it is also known as Kalonji in Arabic. It is a highly valued nutraceutical herb with a wide range of health benefits. In Arab countries, it is used for cooking. For centuries black seeds have been used in traditional medicine in India, and the Middle East. Its key ingredient and bioactive component is thymoquinone (TQ). Thymoquinone has the potential to attenuate oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Nigella Sativa also improves cell survival, immunity, and energy metabolism in the human body. Black seeds are known to have diverse health benefits such as protection against metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal digestive, reproductive, hepatic, and neurological disorders. There have been myths and debates about the pharmaceutical use of black seeds against Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. People who believe in and practice herbal, homeopathic, and traditional medicine have always supported the fact that black seeds if mixed with honey, improve clinical and laboratory results of H-I-V patients. Whereas allopathic doctors and researchers always confronted this myth. Treatment of patients with AIDS has always been a big challenge for health professionals as there have been no definite treatment options available. There are 33.6 million people worldwide who are affected by AIDS. Recently by the use of H-A-A-R-T therapy, there is significant control over AIDS-related sub-infections and deaths. This is because H-A-A-R-T THERAPY directly acts on the different phases of the H-I-V replication cycle. It stops H-I-V replication. Hence an overall increase in the CD4 receptor cells in the patients suffering from AIDS. H-A-A-R-T THERAPY is effectively being used almost in every part of the world against AIDS. The United Nations directly controls this program through the World Health Organization ( WHO ). Whereas the application of black seeds against H-I-V has always been a myth. Clinical trials have been conducted. Initially, there was a significant rise in CD4 receptor cell count. But it was temporary.

In clinical trials, Nigella Sativa increased T helper cells and other leukocytes in rats. The accelerating wound healing effects of black seeds in humans have been accepted by scientists. It has anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic effects on the human body. However, its antiretroviral efficacy had not been supported by the clinical trials at Clinical Pharmacology Department, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. This myth has been busted by Professor Doctor AbdulFatah AdekUnle Onifade. So the summary is that black seeds continue to be in medical use because of their immense pharmaceutical uses. And this herbal product still works for different allergies, wound healing effects, and relieves pain. But considering it as a potential agent to kill H-I-V and treat AIDS is still a myth. As this has not been supported by enough clinical trials and research.



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