[S]Election Code Reveals What Clerk Tina Peters Found Before the FBI Knocked on Her Door

2 years ago

The film [S]Election Code picks up where 2000 Mules left off. Dinesh D’Souza’s exploration of the fraud at the ballot boxes has been viewed by over 20 million, and a Rasmussen Reports survey indicates that 77% of viewers said it “strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election.” [S]Election Code looks into the computers tabulating the votes.

Last December I interviewed Sherronna Bishop, after the FBI broke down her unlocked front door with a battering ram. She said the other difference between the two films is that [S]Election Code reveals “the personal cost to actual real-life people.”

The filmmakers interviewed Bishop and focuses on Tina Peters, who was the clerk and recorder for Mesa County, Colorado. I wrote an article about Clerk Peters, and we had her on Pray with America’s Leaders, an episode nominated for the Best Justice - Prayer Award at the Content2022 Film Festival and Media Summit, which will take place next month. One of Clerk Peters’ duties was to oversee elections, and she thought her county had the gold standard for doing it right…

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