Morphin Origins: For Every Ending... Zedd in Morphin Grid

2 years ago

In this scene from Morphin Origins: For Every Ending... Lord Zedd has entered the Morphin Grid, and has a face to face interaction with the Morphin Masters within the Morphin Grid itself. He see's Red, and Black first, but the first one to speak to him is Morphin Master Blue. Pink, and Green speak to him next explaining about how the Morphin Grid has been used for good, and evil. Zedd challenges them, and says The Grid willed him to get the The Zeo Crystal, and rule the galaxy. Green, Red, and Black give him a dose of reality about The Grid, and the multiverse. Zedd responses back, and says it did, and he deserves powers from it as much as Zordon did. The Masters respond back that he is not the only one to use The Grid, and they dont owe him anything. Zedd is quiet, and they know what he plans to do next. That he will become Lord Zedd Emperor over all that he see's. The prince of Darkness. Be sure to Subscribe, like, and share!

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