Clarity is Power - 10 Learnings

2 years ago

Clarification of Personal Beliefs

Video Outline

00:00 - Intro and Defining Rules & Values
01:20 - Self Respect is the Overarching Principle
04:22- Free Will
05:21 - Honesty
06:04 - Perspective
07:05 - Creativity
09:05 - Everyone Is A Teacher
10:22 - Regular Audits
11:40 - Suffering
13:19 - Take Big Risks
15:16 - Surrender the Outcome
16:32 - Reputation for Eternity
18:35 - Wrap Up

Crediting the @lexfridman podcast with the Andrew Bustamante episode on the story of self-respect at the 3:50-3:52 minute mark

#levelup #empathy #12rulesforlife #intuition #selfrespect #mbti #entp #surrender #recalibrate #momentum #focus #awareness #optout

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