THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - Part 22 (spanish subtitles)

2 years ago

Part 22: Covid-19: Part 5 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times. About MONEY & MURDER IN HOSPITALS... By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Music: Alexander Nakarada This is part 22 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 23 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work: We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible... Join our FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: And don't forget to subscribe to


Parte 22: Covid-19: Parte 5 de mĆŗltiples episodios sobre la mayor estafa mĆ©dica de todos los tiempos. Sobre el DINERO Y EL ASESINATO EN LOS HOSPITALES... Por Janet Ossebaard y Cyntha Koeter MĆŗsica: Alexander Nakarada Esta es la parte 22 de Dios sabe cuĆ”ntas partes en total. La parte 23 se subirĆ” en cuanto estĆ© lista. Si te ha gustado esta parte, considera apoyar nuestro trabajo: Hacemos estos documentales sin cobrar, por lo que cualquier donaciĆ³n, por pequeƱa que sea, es bienvenida. AsĆ­ podremos seguir dando nuestro trabajo al mundo de forma gratuita, para despertar al mayor nĆŗmero de personas posible... ƚnete a nuestra plataforma FallCabal Telegram para recibir actualizaciones diarias gratuitas: Y no olvides suscribirte a


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