This group believes in honest, fair, and accurate elections. Do you?

2 years ago

JohnVeltri, Jay Block, and Marylyn Todd are working hard in the states they live in to secure our freedoms, liberties, and the Country we all know and love for our future generations by fixing and securing our elections in their States. Marylyn has knowledge that helps many States. John and Jay are working in Sandova County, New Mexico. Even though they are having a hard time getting people to look at the fraud, because some don't want to believe their elections are a problem, and some may not want it exposed; they are working hard to get and show the facts, not opinions, that prove that their elections are, at the very least, vulnerable. Sounds to me like there are people in the system that are in on the fix and don't want to have their bad elections exposed like John and Jay have the proof and are working hard to expose it. I am happy to know we have good people like John, Jay, and Marylyn on the side of election integrity. And like John says, "together we can and will make a difference."

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