Ground Layering to propagate cornus mas trees. Two results on August

2 years ago

Propagation process by ground layering, it's easy to propagate with this method:

1. We make an incision at the point of the branch that will enter the soil. We usually scrape it with a paper cutter and we apply rooting hormone or honey. We prefer honey for many reasons.

2. We bend the branch into the soil, leaving the extreme part to come out of the soil.

3. We firmly support the part that comes out of the soil with a stake and fork of thick fencing wire bent so that it does not move and stands almost horizontally.

4. At the beginning of the branch we bent, we tie the bark with wire in a circle so that there are no returns of juices to the central root.

5. From December to the beginning of February is the best time to cut it and transplant it in a pot or in the place we want.
* On cornus mas trees, this method had a 95% success rate, in contrast to air layering propagation, which was as low as 40%. We don't need to have topsoil. Natural soil is best.
#κρανιές #πολλαπλασιασμός #καταβολάδες #cornusmas #corneliancherry
#propagatingplants #propagation #airlayering #GroundLayering

LIVE: Propagation by layering in the ground:
Propagation with layering in the ground:
Propagation by aerial layering:

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