Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet about Theory of Mass Formation / Mass Psychosis and The Psychology of Totalitarianism

2 years ago

Prof Desmet cites the following 4 conditions as necessary precursors to mass hypnosis:
1. Lack of social bond/connectedness
2. Lack of meaning/sense making
3. Free-floating anxiety and psychological discontent
4. Free-floating frustration and aggression

In a nutshell: 30% of us are under mass psychosis, 40% just goes along scared of punishment if they do not obey, 30% are just like me.. will stay free by any means possible even if we have to kill

Prof. Mattias Desmet - Stopping Totalitarianism And Mass Formation Psychosis- A Must Share

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Totalitarianism Mass Formation Psychosis: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Prof. Mattias Desmet-Full

Prof. Mattias Desmet: Why were people so willing to sacrifice their freedoms?

Prof. Desmet Interviewed by Dr. Mercola: The Psychology of Totalitarianism and Transhumanism

Prof. Desmet: The Psychology of Totalitarianism. Speaking Out Is Very Important. With Del Bigtree

Prof. Desmet with Atty. Dr. Fuellmich - Is the Corona Narrative Part of a Mass Formation Psychosis?

November 18, 1978 – Mass suicide at Jonestown is good example of Mass Formation / Mass Psychosis



The Benefit of Living With No Purpose - Alan Watts

Russia is ruled by Dictatorship, Putin is Russian Ultra-nationalist. He loves Russians Unconditionally, he will do anything to have more Russians. Dictators want people to love them, they are racists, nationalists but not psychopaths. Dictator is very much different than typical Western Totalitarian Leader who is not capable of unconditional love of his people.
The West is ruled by totalitarian regime, liberal globalization ideology. The elite does not give a shit about the people they rule, leaders have no race no ethnicity. In Totalitarian State portion of society is in state mass psychosis, obedient and self-policing. Totalitarian Leader does not want people to love him, he needs people to comply. The more obedient people are the more abusive he is.

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