- Leonard Nimoy, 1978 show, In Search Of: "The Coming Ice Age"

2 years ago

In this presentation - the scientist clearly states: "changes in the shape of the earth's orbit, act as a 'pace-maker' for the 'ice-age' succession."
Correction: the earth is stationary.. changes in the shape of our sun's orbital patterns, are the cause of these geomagnetic excursions.
Question- what would cause this? Answer - Precession of equinoxes in relation to the pole star. In short, when our sun locks into orbit around a different "pole star" resulting in possibly a "FULL MAGNETIC REVERSEAL" causing the next 'ice-age'
IN 2nd dimension, Our Earth is a flat fixed motionless plane in the shape of a rectangle. IN 3rd dimension, it's a cylinder. IN 4th dimension, it's a oblate spheroid within a cylinder. We live in a electromagnetic multi-dimensional universe...That's right we all live within 4th dimensional cylinder.. "Light at the End of the Tunnel"
In the 2nd dimension the sun travels in a straight line.
In the 3rd dimension the sun arc's elliptically.
And in the 4th dimension the sun's orbital pattern resembling, an analemma, (or figure 8 , the symbol for "infinity"). "During a Full Magnetic Reversal The Sun's and Moon's Analemma twist the figure 8 orbital pattern or flip.. The sun and moon swap positions instantaneously. Night becomes day and day will become night as well as a change of seasons, summer will become winter and winter will become summer.(Castling is a move in the game of chess where a piece can be said to "jump over" another (swap or switch places)- imho

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