2 years ago

Matthew 7:7 King James Version
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

I really got to thinking about this passage of scripture, and how not only important it is to ask, but also that we shouldn't be afraid to ask God for what we need. I was especially challenged by the questions from this morning's devotional, and I want to share them with you tonight. Please read these questions very carefully, and I pray that God will speak to you through them.

What situations challenge you that you can bring to God in prayer?

Why do you hesitate to ask him or others for help?

I Found this question very interesting, because I often ask myself why I don't go to the Lord first when I'm having a problem, and I have to say the answers that came to my mind kind of astounded me. For instance, there's the typical thing of pride getting in the way of asking God for what we need. You see, we think we need to do things ourselves, in order to prove we are not weak, when it's the greatest strength in the world to go to the Lord in prayer! Then there's not having what we think are the right words to say. But one thing that gets in the way, is fear. Fear of what you ask? How about fear of being mocked, humiliated, and degraded over asking for help. For in particular, how when you confide in somebody about a struggle you're having they weaponized that issue against you, and maybe use it to get you to do their bidding. I know this because I've experienced it, and it's scary thing.

What I'd like to do right now my friends, is share some thoughts that God has given me about this issue through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight. I invite you to listen to this with vlog very carefully, and I pray that you will learn for yourself that there's no shame in asking God for help, because He's the one that we can cast all our cares on. Come join me in this vlog, and learn just what I mean! 😊

As I close this post for tonight, I pray that you will see, that God is truly there to answer your prayers. Know that God will never weaponize your struggles, fears, burdens, or any issue that you’re dealing with against you, because you serve a God who is more powerful than anything, is in control of every situation, and is ready and willing to answer your prayers. Don't be afraid to cash your cares upon the one who truly cares for you, and ask Him to show you who you can reach out to, to get the help that you're seeking. After all, all you have to do is, Just Ask! 😊



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