NEPHILIM ARMY Is Coming!! CERN Black Rain Video Shows the ABYSS Will Open!!!

2 years ago

The Abyss is a real place and according to the books of Revelation and Enoch, there are creatures who are living in this place. Revelation calls them “locusts” with human faces and large, horse-like bodies, while Enoch describes them as 'Watchers' who committed sin against the daughters of men. They were placed in a pit to be held until the time of their release upon the Earth for the purpose of judgment.

Black Rain/Goo describes an infection that entered into humanity through humanity and passed through generations. Interestingly, the term 'Black Rain' was coined in WW2 ( to describe nuclear devastation and the effects it has on the human body. We see Black Rain/Goo symbolism used in Hollywood propaganda.' [And most recently the strange similarities it has to graphene oxide that is in the COVID-1984 jabs.]


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