AJ Rice : This Is A Dress Rehearsal For Authoritarians To Control Our Language

2 years ago

"Donald J. Trump was the vaccine America needed," our guest A.J. Rice told the The Two Mikes Today.

Mr. Rice is a renowned publicist, as well as the President and CEO of Publius Public Relations and the Editor-in-Chief of Publius National Post. 

He also is the author of a superb new book called "The Woking Dead: How Society's Vogue Views Destroys Our Culture''.

Mr. Rice's book documents and analyzes the activities of "the woke maniacs relentlessly destroying everything Americans love."

--Mr. Rice's book, "The Woking Dead: How Society's Vogue Views Destroys Our Culture'' is available at Amazon, Barnes-and- Noble, and Powell's Books.  It was published by Port Hill Press.

--Mr. Rice's websites are: https://publiusnational post.substack.com; https://wokingdeadbook.com; and https://publiuspr.com 

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