MR. NON-PC - They're Not Getting Wanted...They're Getting What They Deserve

2 years ago

This one is dedicated to all the "Covidiots" out there, that got played...and STILL are being played by the CovidCult!

Congratulations you FOOLS, you're not getting the "back to normal" you were lied to about.

That "15 days to flatten the curve" was one of the biggest lies ever told.

Funny how the Covidiots can't see how they ruined countless small businesses, kids childhoods, young adults college years and more importantly how they imploded our entire society!!

It's also really "selfish" how you fools and tools don't have any regard for younger children, teenagers and young adults and how they had years of their lives flushed down the toilet because YOU COVIDIOTS keep believing a DECEPTION and wearing your chin speedos!

Isn't it ironic too how you old fools got to grow up and fall in love (without a mask) and not have your lives squashed and squandered by a LIE, but then again you all were the "SELFISH" ones!

But the great part is now with each passing day you WILL SEE the destruction, misery, division, hate, medical apartheid, societal collapse and many more horrible sights and occurrences!

What will you tell you kids or grandchildren when things KEEP getting worse??

You're not only getting what you wanted though...YOU'RE GETTING WHAT YOU DESERVED!

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