Top 5 Photography Upgrades For Beginners | Why Cameras Should Be Last

5 years ago

I've had so many questions recently about the path for upgrading for beginners and what they should get first, a new lens or a new body? My answer is those should be last, there is one thing far more important than any piece of gear. If you focus on it, you will be better overall and it will stick with you forever. Do not rely on buying shiny new toys to make you a better photographer!

Michael’s "Everything Else Crash Course"
This course is jam packed with lessons to help you take your photography to the next level. The topics covered in this corse deal with the Photography Core, Composition, Lighting,Portraits, Digital Basics, Video Shooting,Audio Recording & Clean Up, Intro To Strobes, Planning & Trouble Shooting, & Real World Shooting.

Michael’s Training Videos:

Michael’s Maven Straps:

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