SWTOR Black Silver Color Crystal | Dromund Kaas Stronghold | Unique Item | Ranked Vendor | 2019

5 years ago

Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR) has a plethora of unique color crystals to choose from to further customize your light saber or energy weapon. The Black-Silver color crystal was available through the Ranked PVP vendor for seasons 5 and 7.

Character: Level 75 Lightning Sorcerer
Location: Dromund Kaas Stronghold
Armor Set: Revan Reborn with Covert Wrist and waist.


Graphics Settings:
Bloom - Enabled
Enhanced Shadows - Enabled
Conversation Depth of Field - Enabled
Texture Quality - High
Shader Complexity - High
Anti Aliasing - Very High
Character Level of Detail - High
Texture Anisotropy - High
Character Texture Aliasing - High
Visible Character Limit - Very High
Shadow Quality - High
Shadow Map Cascades - Medium
Grass Render Distance - Very High
Shadow Map Resolution - 1024 (Low)
Tree Quality - 100 (Max)
Grass Quality - 100 (Max)

Played on an Alienware 51m laptop
Intel 9700k
Nvidia RTX 2070
16gb ram
#swtor #colorcrystal #lightsaber

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