The Filysium Fields and Beyond (MrE) SMP domestic and overseas compared

5 years ago

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Brace yourselves for another MrE commentary. Today we will examine sexual market place dynamics and as usual, offer a resolution for the quagmire many are sinking in today in the west. This will be filed in the Controversial Collection playlist along with his other videos.

Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea. Why do that? Because I know men are looking for something that they don’t believe they can reasonably find in the west anymore. I found something called commitment by marrying overseas, I married someone who valued commitment. Get notifications and leave comments. MrE’s commentaries can sometimes be provocative so be ready to leave a comment; today is no exception. The Community Corner message forums are always open and you can sign up for a newsletter by clicking the link in the description box.

As MrE described in a recent video, there has been an exodus from the west. Men are offshoring their love, and I support that because I want to see guys find love beyond the sea. I want them to experience what is important. That, like so many things these days, requires some risk, but with clear thinking and a willingness to try something different, they just might be given a new lease on life, as I was in 2015. You know the story by now.

The Filysium Fields and Beyond-What is this?

The Filysium Field is a land often described as paradise on earth; where virtuous men go; the good receive a life free from toil, not scraping with the strength of their arms the earth, nor the water of the sea, for the sake of poor neglect. They are in the presence of the honored, those who gladly keep their oaths and enjoy a good life, while the others left behind undergo a toil that is unbearable to watch.

The Filysium Fields is where time-honored traditions are kept and virtue is held to the highest order. Where family and hearth are the mainstay. It is the promised land of those virtuous men who seek their partner beyond the shores; a place where tears and regret are not present. Where partners are for life and family is cherished. These are Filysium Fields!

Here is an excerpt from MrE's commentary-

Ultimately, a man can’t go wrong with marrying a Filipina, all you have to do is look at Bob and other countless of examples of men finding their wife overseas. There is a reason all of these men are happy. Filipinas are not ashamed to show their femininity and love of their family which includes the husband and are natural caretakers.

The main problem in a place like this is that many of these women cannot find a man who will commit due to the abundance of feminine women in the country thus for the men there is no need to settle down with a woman. It is the polar opposite of the SMP in the west; an inversion. Thus, it is a buyer’s market. Whereas in the west it is a seller’s market where feminine women are in such short supply; they control the SMP.

So, wouldn’t it make sense for men to go to lands where there is an overabundance of feminine women? I think so! Whether it be from the FSU (former Soviet Union), the Philippines, Latin America or elsewhere. The solution is to go to a place where a man like you is valued and cherished and you are her #1!

That is why men should venture to the the Filysium Fields and beyond to find their life partner and to find their love beyond the sea!

#filipina #philippines #LDR

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