#FreeAngelaRay "Going to prison over a picture of my son" TUSLA incarcerates her for loving her son!

4 years ago

How can the system be Christian if it has no forgiveness?
Angela is still in prison, today is going to be a big day, protest outside the prison to show support for a wonderful lady that has been locked away for crying out for help with her son’s welfare, today we get to show our strength of power of the people.
Angela is by no means alone, she’s just the one to speak out , there are many survivors out there in the background and we know Angela has given them the strength to believe in themselves, if you turn up at the prison today you don’t have to reveal yourself, you can just stand in unity!

Please all support Angela Ray today, let’s show TUSLA that we have and we do believe the woman you put in prison for the third time without checking her concerns!

JUSTICE FOR ANGELA RAY , she may be locked up but her voice is LOUD AND CLEAR because you can’t silence us all !!

TUSLA is not fit for purpose!!

Common law makes common sense

The pirate system we live under have one set of rules for themselves and another for us.

United tribes flag - get it on eBay

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