President TRUMP’s Powerful Spiritual Lineage

2 years ago

This is an extract of the Hebrides Revival from MODERN DAY MYSTICS, Episode 1. states -
‘ Hebrides Revival or Lewis Awakening took place between 1949 and 1952 at a time when the church on the island was complacent and slumbering, if not dead. Young people were turned off by the church, with many alienated by a legalistic spirit. Duty rather than devotion led to a lifeless expression of faith.

In 1949, two elderly sisters, Peggy and Christine Smith, one nearly blind and the other bent over by stenosis, began to pray the Lord would bring revival, according to an account of the revival written by Chet Swearingen at ‘Beautiful Feet’.

Peggy and Christine Smith with Rev. Duncan Campbell
They prayed fervently in their small cottage two to three nights a week. Peggy received a vision of her church filled with young people and an unidentified pastor leading the awakening.

Peggy encouraged her minister in the town of Barvas, Rev. James Murray MacKay, to exhort other church leaders in the area to pray in the same vein.

The Hebrides
MacKay organized a group of pastors and they developed a resolution to all the Free Churches of Scotland, stating their concern for the “barrenness of the parishes,” urging everyone to “turn again unto the Lord whom we have so grieved with our waywardness and iniquities.” They asked for many to be “visited with a spirit of repentance.”

Weeks of prayer followed the resolution, sometimes in unheated buildings during the winter. There was a growing sense of desperation for God to move in their midst with power.

One night at a prayer meeting in a barn a young deacon read from Psalm 24:3-5.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?

or who shall stand in his holy place?

He that hath clean hands,

and a pure heart …”

He closed his Bible and asked “if we ourselves are not rightly related to God?”

Then he prayed, “God, are my hands clean? Is my heart pure?”

The meeting went on past midnight and about 3 a.m. the Holy Spirit fell with power, not only on their assembly but also on the surrounding village, according to the account written by Beautiful Feet.

The intercessors left the barn before daylight and were shocked to find men and women kneeling along the roads, “crying out to God for mercy.” Almost every home had their lights on. People could not sleep because the Holy Spirit broke into their lives in such a powerful, unexpected way.

Shortly after that, Peggy Smith asked Rev. MacKay to invite an evangelist to come and preach on the island.

MacKay contacted Scottish evangelist Duncan Campbell and asked him to come, but he turned down the offer three times, because he was in the middle of an evangelistic tour on the island of Skye and many were being saved.

When Peggy Smith heard Campbell had declined she said, “Mr. MacKay, that is what the man is saying. But God has said something else and he will be here within a fortnight.” (14 days)

Due to an unexpected turn of events, one of Campbell’s upcoming engagements was cancelled, so he accepted MacKay’s invitation and arrived on the island of Lewis within 10 days. When Campbell landed on the pier he was greeted by the minister and two church leaders, who took him to the church in Barvas to address the congregation at 9 p.m.

300 people were gathered, Campbell preached, but nothing of note happened and the service ended at 10:45.

After everyone left the church, a young deacon said to Campbell: “Nothing has broken out tonight, but God is hovering over us. He is hovering over us and he will break through any moment.”

The young man lifted his hands and began to pray, “God, you made a promise to pour water on the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground and you are not doing it.” He began to intercede until he collapsed on the floor.

At around 11 p.m. the back door of the church opened and a man entered saying, “Mr. Campbell, something wonderful has happened…we were praying that God would pour water on the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground and listen, He’s done it! He’s done it! Will you come to the door and see the crowd that is here?”

When Campbell opened the door he couldn’t believe his eyes. A crowd had mysteriously assembled that no one had invited. They had been drawn sovereignly by God!

When the clock struck midnight the church was filled by the invisible hand of God!

That same night there were about 100 young people at a dance at the county hall. During the dance the Holy Spirit fell on them (at the time the deacon was praying at the church).

The music at the dance halted abruptly and the young people suddenly were overcome by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. They ran out of the dance as if they were “fleeing from a plague,” and made their way to the church.

“In addition to these 100 young people, there were hundreds more who had already been in bed but simultaneously, without any explanation, got out of bed, dressed themselves, and went running to the church.”

#HebridesRevival #MDM1

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