John McManus and Wayne Morrow Discuss The Government's War on Independent Farmers

2 years ago

Today, The Two Mikes hosted Jack (John) McManus and Wayne Morrow from the John Birch Society (JBS).

Jack McManus was a long time senior official of JBS, and finished his career there as the president of the organization. He wrote a book called The John Birch Society - Its History Recounted By Someone Who Was There.

In his book, Mr. McManus explains the way in which the Society defeated those who tried to paint it as communist, racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-American. He said that the late William F. Buckley, Jr. was a main purveyor of these lies, while simultaneously claiming to be defending the very American values that JBS was actually founded to defend and advance.

Mr. McManus said that Buckley told more lies about JBS than all of the organization's attackers combined. JBS's Wayne Morrow also joined us to speak briefly about the war that is being waged by most of the world's governments against the world's 550 million independent farmers, by denying them access to fertilizer, starving them, and forcing them to sell their land to corporate farming interests.

Two of the most aggressive anti-farmer campaigns are being waged against the world's number one and number two largest agricultural producers -- the United States and The Netherlands. In the United States, the main purchasers of farmland in California are from India, China, and Canada. The government of California also is deliberately making the state's farmlands arid by allowing fresh water sources to flow into the Pacific Ocean. Mr. Morrow said that he recently has been covering the government's war on independent farmers and that the coming issue of JBS's New American Magazine will be devoted to that issue.

--The JBS website is and its telephone number is 1-800-jbs-usa1

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