Living the BrainGAME with Certified BrainGAME Coach - Arlene Grace Pe Benito

2 years ago

Living the BrainGAME™ with Arlene Grace Pe Benito

I took the BrainGAME after I took MindSHIFT. MindSHIFT is all about the energy of things, and taking the BrainGAME afterward allowed me to settle things into place. Taking the BrainGAME brought about practical spirituality for me. It gives you tangible tools to use along the journey.

BrainGAME really allowed me to quickly settle the triggers. It really brought me to this place of allowing me to live in forgiveness. It became a walking meditation for me and just allowed me to shift really quickly in the moment. It walks you through a process and allows you to flow through life. You can truly embody flow in your life after BrainGAME.

My dream for the BrainGAME is to see it in schools. I would love to see the BrainGAME for children. I would love for our children to have this awareness. Now.

Catch the full episode and learn more about Arlene with the link in my bio or at

To find out if BrainGAME is for you, or to explore becoming a Certified BrainGAME Coach, book a Discovery call with the link in my bio or at

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