Embracing Parrhesia And The Art of Communication With Benny Wills!!

2 years ago

Are you aware of some of the problems we all face in this world but have difficulty expressing the issues to other people?

Are you feeling alone or struggling to maintain connections with people who have different opinions than you?

Would you like to be able to speak fluidly from the heart with your emotions in check while enlightening your friends or family members?

If so, this PFT interview is for YOU!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Benny Wills about Parrhesia, an online course that is designed to help you master the art of communication whether you’re in front of a crowd or at the dinner table so that you can deliver your ideas with confidence, captivating your audience, big or small!

To sign up visit the Parrhesia website here:
Use Coupon Code: PFT to get 15% off!

How to STOP Being the Conspiracy Guy (or Girl) webinar:

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