Faith Over Fear Ep2 - An Interview with Dr. Sabine Hazan

2 years ago

Dr Sabine Hazan is a gastroenterologist, she is the first woman ever accepted into the University of Florida as a Clinical Gastroenterology Fellow.

Dr. Hazan has published articles in numerous prestigious medical journals, and won several awards, such as the Best Fellow Scientific Presentation and Dean’s Research Award awarded by University of Florida. She started her own clinical trial company 23 years ago, Ventura Clinical Trials, and has been Principal Investigator and Sub Investigator in over 300 clinical trials. She owns a gene sequencing lab, ProgenaBiome, and this lab has sequenced the entire SarsCov2 virus from the stools of COVID-19 patients. She has treated many Covid-19 patients, and lost none.

In this episode we discuss the following:
- How Dr Hazan treats COVID-19 patients, using “the art of medicine”.
- Her FDA approved clinical trials on the Hydroxychloroquine-Zpak and Ivermectin-doxycycline protocols.
- Why was it difficult to run the hydroxychloroquine-Zpak trial, what obstacles were there.
- Humanity is at risk because a virus is not disappearing, what does this mean?. What is happening to our microbiome. Why are other viruses starting to penetrate the microbiome.
- What happened when your hypothesis on “”Ivermectin Feeds Bifidobacteria to Boost Immunity” was published in Frontiers of Microbiology. What happened when you posted it on twitter - a twitter suspension for a peer reviewed hypothesis?
- Dr Hazan explains who has high bifidobacteria and who doesn’t, and it’s relevance to Covid-19.
- Dr Hazan asks why the opinion of a comedian, such as Seth Meyers, is of any relevance. Why are people listening to comedians and influencers.
- What happened to Dr Hazan’s bifidobacteria levels after she took ivermectin herself. A four-fold increase.
- Dr Hazan was part of the group who wrote a criticism of the New England Journal of Medicine paper on the use of Ivermectin for Covid-19. Their criticism was not published. The NEJM paper was part of the Together Trial, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Dr Hazan discusses why artificial intelligence cannot replace your doctor.
- Alzheimer’s Disease. Recently it has emerged that the drugs used for the last 16 years for Alzheimer’s disease are not working and were based on amyloid plaques in the brain, due to a study 16 years ago which is now being questioned. What did Dr Hazan find in a case study of one man with severe Alzheimer’s disease who improved dramatically after a fecal microbial transplant (FMT). Study referenced below.
- Dr Hazan explains that we should have put out the fire when we had the chance earlier in the pandemic. One narrative exists, why?
- Dr Ryan Cole and Dr Peter McCullough, why are they being persecuted?

Papers, websites and video referenced throughout the interview:
- Hazan, S., Frontiers in Microbiology, “Microbiome-Based Hypothesis on Ivermectin’s Mechanism in COVID-19: Ivermectin Feeds Bifidobacteria to Boost Immunity” doi:10.3389/fmicb.2022.952321 (Theory)
- Hazan and colleagues, "Effectiveness of ivermectin-based multi-drug therapy in severely hypoxic, ambulatory COVID-19 patients"
- Hazan and colleagues, "The lost microbes of COVID-19: Bifidobacteria depletion and decreased microbiome diversity are a predictability marker of severe COVID-19, a cross sectional study’’
- Hazan, S. “Rapid improvement in Alzheimer’s disease symptoms following fecal microbiota transplantation: a case report”
- Faith Over Fear video recorded in February 2022, an interview with Dr Sabine Hazan.
- ProgenaBiome, a genetic research lab whose interest is to understand the clinical implications of the microbiome.

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