"OnFire Cafe" Paul's Letters to Rome 3 of 3

2 years ago

#OnFireCafe. #scripturestudy, #bookofRomans
The Letters of Paul: From Paul to the church in Rome Part 3 of 3
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The “OnFire Cafe” Book Club series "The Study of Scripture". Come Study with us as we present our new Narration Series. Join us here for The Letters of Paul. We begin The Book of Romans, The Letter to the Church in Rome.

We will be reviewing the Great Epistles Book of Romans Chapters 11-16.

In the letter to the church in Rome we will look at remnant of Israel, future restoration of the Jews, Jews the chosen people, conversion of the Jews, Spiritual Worship, Humility, Charity, Charity includes enemies, submission to forms of civil authority, Love, Law, children of light, charity towards the scrupulous, Paul's Ministry, Paul's plans and a warning.

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