VACCINE CHEMTRAILS EXPOSED! – Are They Spraying Us With Aerosolized mRNA Poison?

2 years ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on a recent article written by Mike Adams on Natural News regarding the potential of governments spraying aerosolized vaccines on the public from above. We know that many in the vaccine business are obsessed with releasing aerosolized nose spray vaccines. In theory, there is no reason why these psychopaths wouldn't concoct a plan to spray the public unwittingly from above with these aerosols which we already know exist. The United Nations recently admitted to spraying the skies with trails to "combat" covid in March and April of 2020 which likely lead to many auto immune disorders. What could possibly stop them from spraying the skies with the clot shot? In this video, we dig into this theory and what it could mean.

mRNA: Fulfilling the Promise of Gene Therapy

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