Why “Abortion for a Mother’s Health” Is a Myth

2 years ago

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, there has been a resurgence of an old tagline about abortion as a “health care” intervention necessary to “save lives.” Father Shenan Boquet explains the origins of this myth and why it has been so pervasive—as well as why it's wrong.

Spirit & Life article: https://www.hli.org/2022/07/we-dont-need-abortion-to-save-moms-life/

More resources:
- Should We Support Abortion to Preserve a Woman's Physical Health?: https://www.hli.org/resources/support-abortion-preserve-womans-physical-health/
- What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?: https://www.hli.org/resources/what-percentage-of-abortions-are-medically-necessary/
- Ethical and Religious Directives: https://www.usccb.org/resources/ethical-religious-directives-catholic-health-service-sixth-edition-2016-06_3.pdf
- Catholic Health Care Ethics: A Manual for Practitioners: https://www.ncbcenter.org/store/new-catholic-health-care-ethics-a-manual-for-practitioners-3rd-ed

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