Its called a FULLY FUNDED DEAL - It Didn't Stop the College Cartel

2 years ago

MTG will join the show today to talk about how she was swatted at 1am in GA home because the prank caller was upset about her stand on transgender rights. On August 18, MTG introduces bill to make gender-affirming care for transgender youth a felony.

What do we do going forward? We survived the indoctrination, but the ones that didn’t survive it have the wires that aren’t touching. Are they questioning wanting to go the deep state route and are they questioning how this will all end.

Remember when Mitch McConnell came out and went to the KY Chamber of Commerce meeting saying that we may not win the Senate because of the quality of candidates running. The quality of candidates are the Trump endorsed candidates. Mitch is saying he may not want to take back the senate because he may end up in the broom closet, BKP said this days ago. Trump put out a statement about Mitch yesterday saying that Mitch is not an opposition leader and demanding a new republican leader should be picked immediately. Mitch needs to go.

We have too many republicans in GA that are watching the game from the student section at the football game. They are a part of the republican party but have no idea who won, who lost and why. If you are looking for a republican that understands and truly knows why we win and lose elections. You're watching him. Remember what Rush used to say, when republicans run as conservatives they win.

They are having a little difficulty here to get Biden’s approval numbers up to have the celebration on the networks. Remember after they passed the Inflation Reduction Act and they reported Biden's big wins. We told you that they are trying to pump up the Biden approval rating. Don’t know if yesterday was a hail mary pass and it may not hurt the democrats in November, it's up to us to get the message out. You have to look at the smoke, and they aren’t discussing the ratings because the new media has done everything they could to get the bump in ratings and they haven’t been successful yet.

FBI whistleblower claims bureau leaders ordered staff not to investigate hunters laptop to not change the election again.

Susan Rice came out yesterday. Muffin is having a hard time. She is a disaster so Susan Rice was ready to go in and take charge again. This is a clear signal that Barack Obama is running the white house. American’s are questioning that the $300B spent in student debt is the same $300B the Inflation Reduction Act claims to relieve. But when the money starts coming in from the repayments in Jan that will offset the money spent… It's a word problem.

It's called a full fund deal. When you go to a closing on a house, say it is 200K with cost and profit to the owner. The 200k is on the table when the deal is done. When you buy a car for 60K the deal gets fully funded with cost and profit to the dealership. The financial group sends the dealer the entire 60K. So the college is the same, the college says it is 30K and when you are done with all your paperwork the college gets fully funded from the government with cost and profit to the college. So when Susan Rice looks at the camera and says we didn’t see people complaining when we were helping small businesses get through the pandemic with those loans. And you weren’t complaining when we forgave your loan to get through the pandemic. Small businesses didn’t get funded. What happened was the PPP loan was to pay the employees and did not get the profit. They told you to shut your business and figure out what you would pay your employees and the government will fund that. Small business america didn’t make any profit. The government didn’t send the profit margin and nothing was left in the bank account because we worked 7 days a week. The colleges got fully funded. MSNBC is saying something isn’t adding up here. It didn’t address the college cartel.

In GA we have the Hope scholarship and it is funded by the poorest rung of the economic ladder through hook on gambling. The lottery funds the Hope scholarship. Then you get the picture of the governor with the lottery division with the big check and the headline saying the How great it is for education. It is all a system to take from the poor and give to this cartel for the higher indoctrination system. It is all to get them hooked on and get their taxes.

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