Pixel vs Photosite vs Pixel Density vs Pixel Pitch | What is the Difference?

5 years ago

The word pixel is sometimes used to mean things it really isn't, and with all the different ways the word pixel is used, it begins to get confusing. Here are the definitions and differences between Pixel, Photosite, Pixel Pitch and Pixel Density.

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Michael’s "Everything Else Crash Course"
This course is jam packed with lessons to help you take your photography to the next level. The topics covered in this corse deal with the Photography Core, Composition, Lighting,Portraits, Digital Basics, Video Shooting,Audio Recording & Clean Up, Intro To Strobes, Planning & Trouble Shooting, & Real World Shooting.

Michael’s Intro Camera Tutorial Videos:

My New DSLR Microphone (Rated as the best out of 10 on the market):

Michael’s Maven Straps:

#PixelPitch #PixelDensity #Photosites

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