Leaders Plan to manage distractions by J Loren Norris

5 years ago


I know I am the only person who ever went into a room looking for something and found something I lost before and shifted my focus for the next few minutes. Right? Not!

I know I am also the only person who gets derailed while doing daily tasks by some other task which must be completed first - like clearing old files to create more memory space only to find the “delaying task” is consuming more time, energy and attention than the original task I Sept out to accomplish. Just me, right? Not likely.

Finally I know for certain I am the only person who gets invited to donate my time, talent and treasure to a worthy cause not my own. Seriously worthy causes especially will get my attention/ distraction. I am alone in this? Probably not.

Good causes can be very time consuming. They drain your emotional energy, your physical energy and your time (sometimes even your finances).
Focus will be a significant key to your success as a leader. It’s best to take the time to THINK of all you need to accomplish and create a timeline for what needs to be done to make it happen. The better detailed your roadmap, the more likely you will know what YOU DON’T HAVE TIME FOR!

Being ready, prepared and capable of saying NO might just be your greatest leadership asset in 2020. Use it.

Watch the video #leadingleadetspodcast 1-13-20
LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV .
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