Star Wars the Old Republic: Exploring the Inquisitor & Warrior Starting Planet - Korriban

4 years ago

Star Wars the Old Republic has many planets you can explore. My personal favorites are Tatooine and Dromund Kaas. I decided to stop by the first planet I had ever seen in SWTOR, Korriban. This desert planet serves as the starting point for the Inquisitor & Warrior classes.

Korriban has a has a unique vibe. The subtle, eerie background sounds, the dust and particle effects coupled with the sand colored stone creates a dark platform to jump start your SWTOR experience.

I enjoyed returning to the Empire's home world. Out of all of the planets that offer story content, Korriban is arguably the quickest to complete. Going back, taking the time to look around gave me a new appreciation for the design that I didn't take in during my original playthroughs.



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