Tarot Reading on USA Government & Military Tactics

2 years ago


I decided to try out something “fun” and did a reading on the USA Government and Military. This write-up is a summary of my reading. If you want to see me ramble on explanations, and other commentary as I attempt to interpret Tarot into Political Speak, please watch my video.

USA Government

What is working is tending to their domestic field and letting worries bring inspiration.

What is not working is starting new projects while suddenly and prematurely ending or stalling other ones, causing domestic disharmony.

What they are trying to do:

They are trying to passively connect with inner wisdom in order to physically and emotionally/culturally leave and or escape from certain situations.

USA Military

What is working is internally sticking to ideals while working in an inconsistent system that is fickle and constantly in flux. Letting luck rule and in a sense “going where the wind blows”. (This is different from my video where I talked about how luck was on the USA’s side post WW2 … because I thought of how the USA military goes EVERYWHERE)

What is not working is focusing on failures and grief from the end of an era. There is also internal conflict getting in the way of competing with the external/international sphere.

What they are trying to do:

They to build a strong “family” or “military” full of resources and capital but not sharing with others when working in teams … The USA military has formed many military coalitions, but they do not want to share what they have … they want to work with others to build together (new stuff) without having to share what they have built domestically (old and pre-existing stuff).

What they are trying to do Together:

Become an omniscient Godhead that Rules over all with Tactical Fortitude. In the face of the Government having to deal with broken Justice and the Military having to deal inadequate defense. Wherein the government is not getting adequate results for all the effort that they are putting in … I will tie that into that that the USA government spends a lot but has inadequate oversight which leads to projects, plans and logistics falling apart and just not working out. For the military, it looks like the defense system is falling apart. (First, they have strong competitors now. Second, the USA military overbuilt its defenses by occupying every single country it could and now has holes in its defense due to an international hatred of American occupiers who broke apart many countries in the name of American Hegemony.)

What the Civilians in the USA should look out for:

A failure of systems of structures that have been built up … be ready to work and stay connected with your inner drive as we work through a system that is falling apart.

What International Civilians should look out for:

Heartache and pain, attack, confusion, and disconnection from instinct due to the pain. Try to not “be foolish” even when all the world has fallen into confusion and absurdity.

Grounding and Crowning Cards and General Message

I almost always draw these out for my readings. The message is to ground yourself in a sense of harmony and connection with the Universe. The sun shines during the day and people around us go about their daily lives and we do our own thing and all of us are connected in a way, as the Earth goes round and round. And look forward to events zooming by us. A lot of things will happen fast, so be prepared.

I hope this reading gave you some useful information.

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