Fake Aliens are part of the Satanic Leftist Narrative

2 years ago

They need aliens to exist in order to unite you against a common threat under a one world regime, and they need aliens to explain away the soon coming pre-TRIB rapture. People are gonna be rapture and then the tribulation is going to officially start, they’re gonna need to explain away why do people have disappeared and the best way for them to do that is to say that aliens beamed us up. Or disintegrated us. Rest assure there are no real flesh and blood aliens but there are demons and there are mutated chimera lab experiments, and there are demonic satanic people working for governments that can impersonate alien activity. This is part of the plan that Werner von Braun and the paper clip Nazis that infiltrated America orchestrated for the world since the 50s until now. Keep in mind that while angels appear as human beings, demonic fallen angels might appear in a variety of deceptive forms including angels of light, beings or entities of light, or little green men. Two angels accompanied Jesus when they visited Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and those two godly angels sat at dinner and ate food. People have entertained angels unawares by offering them food and hospitality, and angels are able to appear in physical form and eat food. Demonic fallen angels would be able to emulate all kinds of physicality including injured or “dead bodies” of aliens. They wouldn’t be able to ignore someone speaking in the name of Jesus against them. “In the name of Jesus I bind you up, in the name of Jesus fall down, in the name of Jesus go away.”

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