IMCNews Dr Harper White House Report August 24, 2022

2 years ago

InterMountain Christian News’ White House Correspondent Dr. Harper yells out the following question to Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre August24, 2022 (screen capture):
“Does the Biden Whitehouse believe it is ethical to raid the home of their top political opponent Trump?”
The press secretary refuses to call on him, most likely because of her Anti Christian and Anti Jewish attitude. Please pray she will have a caring heart and not ignore their concerns.

Please support TRUTH reporting at the White House and elsewhere by making your tax deductible donation to the InterMountain Christian News by clicking on the following link:

Dr. Harper serves as the principal investigative journalist at the White House reporting on AntiSemitism. Here is Dr. Harper’s reporting on Anti-Semitism below. To learn about the Jewish cemetery desecration in Vilnius, Lithuania he reports on, click on the following YouTube link:
To learn more about UNRWA and Religious Freedom issues Dr. Harper reports on, click on the following YouTube link:

For more information about Dr Harper news reporting, click on following link:

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