2 years ago

" I asked for Cooperation and I get Fascism" are words included in John A Lee's book Political Notebook' 1973

John A Lee achieved fame in the 1930's as a novalist and a writer on Socialism. He was a writer and a prominent Labour Politician.

Obviously John A Lee was of a quite agressive socialist nature, however he called a spade a spade, especially when it came to his own party- The Labour Party.

In 1938 John A Lee published the book 'Socialism in New Zealand', which championed socialism as New Zealand's only political tradition.

Now one of Labour's best-known figures, he was increasingly critical of the orthodox, cautious approach of Savage, Peter Fraser and Walter Nash .

When John A Lee was expelled from the Labour Party he took 5 or 6 Labour members of Parliament joined him also known to be socialists

New Zealand’s Labour Party in 1916 had embodied in its constitution the objective “the socialisation of the means of production, distribution and exchange.”

They claimed that workers could transform capitalism into socialism by parliamentary reforms. They were thoroughly reformist. John A.Lee, more radical than most Labour MPs (but still a reformist), in his book.

John A Lee on his political soapbox stated that Labour Party talked radical socialist talk. He was seen to act, talk more agressively and publically.

Helen Clark past Prime Minister of New Zealand is a profound committed Socialist.. Jacinda Ardern has bought with her the same radical Socialist agenda.

Chris Carter Labour MP for Te Atatu claimed he was only the second Labour MP to be expelled since firebrand socialist John A Lee.

It is rare and it is a big deal. The doctor appears to have lost the trust of his colleagues.

Now Labour MP Sharma, after a year or so of being managed through staff “issues”, suddenly went public about 10 days ago, accusing numerous members of the Labour Party and officers of parliament of bullying. This has then shifted to accusing Labour of being engaged in cover-ups in the handling of Official Information Act requests and revelation that he has recorded phone calls with colleagues.

Sharma now expelled..

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