Anthem Xbox One X Gameplay - The Temple of Scar (Stronghold) Ranger Javelin. 1080p / 60fps

4 years ago

Anthem Xbox One X
Stronghold: The Temple of Scar
Difficulty: Hard.
Javelin - Ranger.

Ultimate Ability - Multi-target Missile Battery: Targets a number of enemies with guided projectiles and fires a series of mini-missiles for a devastating effect.

Support Gear - Muster Point: Deploys a field that augments allies inside, increasing gun damage by 20%.

Ranger Assault Launcher: Seeking Missile.
Melee Ability - Mace.
Greneade - Seeker.

Gameplay recorded with the Elgato HD60S+ external capture card at 1080p, 60fps.

#anthem #xboxone #xbox

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