02. The Night Is Coming # Time Of The End # Ronny Schreiber

5 years ago

An increasing number of people are sensing that the world is on the brink of a cataclysmic change. More than ever before we need to take to heart Jesus’ injunction to be sober and watchful as we see the signs of the end intensify on every hand. The Bible reveals a hidden movement to unite church and state into a mighty alliance threatening God’s faithful people with extermination. But while Satan is desperate in his efforts to overthrow God’s purposes Christ is empowering His church to illuminate the whole earth with the glory of His gospel. The final controversy between light and darkness will usher in a victorious time where all things are made new by the hands of a loving Creator. Let’s seek His merciful presence and get ready!

Vortragsreihe auf deutsch: https://www.amazing-discoveries.org/shop/video/prophetie-und-zeitgeschehen/ronny-schreiber/das-finale-die-letzten-tage-dieser-erde

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