#063 Are Your Contraceptives Abortive Measures? -Further. Every. Day.

2 years ago

#063 Are Your Contraceptives Abortive Measures? -Further. Every. Day.

Many people do not understand what Contraceptives are available to the modern woman, nor do all understand the potential ethical issues. Note, not all, but some types of contraceptives end in an abortion, but items like IUDs do have a risk of this. This is in addition to the other health concerns for the woman.

Once again, we had Doctor Linda Flower on to discuss, join us as we dig into the discussion laid out above and below.

Theology: What does God think about Contraception? If life begins at conception, what do we as Christians do with birth control methods that ultimately prevent a human life from obtaining successful implantation?

Philosophy: What is the purpose of procreation? Does Contraception always work?

Culture: What happens to the culture when people are free from the product of procreation, children, via Contraception? Has this also led to a culture of irresponsibility and fatherless homes?

Politics: Entitlements for Contraception have been proposed by some on the Left, how should the Christian articulate a response to this? What are the long term effects of Contraception? Is informed consent really being obtained by all who use it?

Economics: Has Abortion and Contraception actually had the reverse effect of “alleviating financial burden” in the Boomer’s later years? Does Contraception Culture reduce the value of sexual intimacy? Does it reduce the value of human life?

#apologetics #abortion #Contraceptives

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