This is what Wife Material looks like

4 years ago

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What is wife material, the ingredients, the qualities of a woman who would make a great wife? Stay tuned, I want to cover that today. Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea and I will try to help you with having a good relationship with a Filipina, a woman from the Philippines. Most of the topics I have and the things I say can be applied to marrying most anyone provided you make a good choice.

That’s what I want to share with you today, qualities that I would consider wife material. I am not suggesting a woman who is wife material possesses all of these qualities, I am saying that what is wife material goes far beyond what she looks like or how she is built. Be prepared to leave a comment with qualities you want in a woman who is wife material, even if they overlap with mine.

Check out the links in the description box for the Word Press blog, message forums and signing up for the newsletter for the upcoming live stream. As you can see in these four verses, she makes quite the impression on her husband. Women who exhibit wife material qualities are likely to acquire a husband!

Proverbs 31:10-…she is far more precious than jewels
Proverbs 31:11-The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.
Proverbs 31:12-She does him good and not harm, all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Here’s my list-frugal, submissive, hardworking, affectionate, respectful, loves children, honors parents, thinks of others (she is considerate), keeps a nice house, cooks, cares about her appearance, financially responsible, has no vices, sense of humor, doesn’t hold grudges, smiles, patient, consistent, cheerful, forgiving, old-fashioned, has a good attitude, compassionate, wise, kind, has integrity, fears God.

These are the kind of qualities to look for when looking for a woman to marry. Let me know what qualities you are looking for or what you saw in your wife that made you know she was the one you wanted to marry.

I try to compliment my wife on all the things she does that I like, whether it is her attitude or rolling up the sleeves on the shirts she picks out for me to wear each day. She is an amazing woman to me. I know I will feel the same way many years later about my love beyond the sea!

#WifeMaterial #Filipina #SeriousAboutMarriage

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