Weds Night WORD UP / Playtime Is OVER

2 years ago

The Word from the LORD to my heart (8/24/2022) is simple - this is NOT the time to PLAY CHRISTIAN. As an actor, I learned from a very wise, very skilled professional - the Best Actors are those who don't "pretend" to be a character - the Best Actors learn all they can about the character they are portraying and when possible, they actually get to KNOW that character in real life, build a relationship and glean as much as they can from them - likes, dislikes, characteristics, etc. - so they can "get into the role"/"become that person"!

It's the same with God - the way we get to know Him and the only way to truly be "Christ-like" - is to ACTUALLY GET TO KNOW HIM - by HIS Word, by HIS Spirit, by HIS Love and to LEARN As Much About HIM as we can - then we become - as the great actors - a "Reflection" of HIM! When people see us - they see Jesus - and when they see Jesus in us, they see Our Father In Heaven! Amen..

(Isaiah 45:1-2; Deut. 30:19; Psalm 45:1-2, 6-7; John 3:16; Romans 4:6-7)

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