Americans Are Going To Mexico For Cheaper Groceries & Gas

2 years ago

Americans Are Going To Mexico For Cheaper Groceries & Gas

🎥 A low-IQ ABC News commentator suggests Americans that are angry over the FBI raiding Trump's home are "neo-nazis" because Merrick Garland is Jewish.

🎥 Trump just released a DAMNING video exposing the corruption of the New York Attorney General who has been leading her own witch hunt against him

Trump Fires Back With Video Exposing Corrupt NY AG's Witch Hunt

Here she is, in her own words.

🎥 Californians are driving hours across the border to MEXICO for their gas and groceries because it's more affordable than in the U.S.

Americans Are Going To Mexico For Cheaper Groceries & Gas

“Every penny counts”

🎥 MORE Hunter Biden text messages continue to drip out that show JOE BIDEN was in on his crooked foreign deals. Now even left-wing The Hill news is reporting Joe made up to 50% on some deals.

50 percent for the Big Guy.

THE HILL: “Hunter’s lucrative business dealings often included giving as much as 50 PERCENT of his earnings to his dad, Joe Biden, according to text messages” #GoRightNews #GoRightNewsVideos #GoRight

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