100% FREE Channel Sticker Promotion, details in video description, #shorts

2 years ago

#SanitykillerProjects #short #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #freebies #free #sticker #stickers #mrbeast (Idk why i put this, he does giveaways i guess)

This promotion is 100% free to anyone subscribed to our channel that we can mail a letter to with 1 US stamp. Follow these instructions below and we will send out 1 free of any charges:

1. Visit our channel: https://youtube.com/c/SanityKillerProjects

2. Click on any video and watch

3. Give the video a thumbs up(Like)

4. Subscribe to our Channel: SanityKillerProjects

5. Screen shot or take a picture of the screen showing the subscription and the like , similar to in this video

6. Send an email to Sanitykiller289@gmail.com our channels email address

7. In the email, include Name, Address(so we can send you the sticker) and Picture you took of the channel including subscription status and a like.

That's it you will receive a sticker FREE

last details: This promotion will end 12/31/22, emails must be received before midnight of that day. If you would like more than 1 sticker sent to the same address please send another active account subscription picture in the same email or a separate one, the sooner we see the same address the easier it is to send them all together . All currently subscribed members are welcome to participate. Shipping of any form to a foreign country that requires more then just a plain US mail, first class stamp will be denied. At this time your email info will be held to possibly be used for our email list to be created at a later date. If you do not wish to be on our email list once it is set up, please let us know in your email. We are not trying to invade your privacy. We only want to promote the channel.

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