UVC COVID-19 countermeasure

4 years ago

This is a DIY demonstration of a UVC-powered sanitizing box. The UVC light was sourced from UV light meant for an aquarium or pond filter. The mini fridge could be any size box, cabinet, or closet. Bear in mind that the further away from the uv light source, the weaker the intensity of dosage and effectiveness of disinfection. The enclosed box also minimizes the Ozone production.

Most all of the references you see herein were borrowed from the internet. No copyright infringement intended, just trying to spread the good word for those of us who may have run out of toilet paper, soap, and hand sanitizer.

To learn more about the magic behind UVC, review any Physics text on Electromagnetic radiation (https://openstax.org/books/university-physics-volume-2/pages/16-5-the-electromagnetic-spectrum), browse through wikipedia, or watch BigClivedotcom burn flesh on his youtube channel at:


I got my UV lights from the following Chap on ebay and received them promptly because it was already State-side and didn't have to be shipped from the far east:


Tech Ingredients also have an excellent theoretical coverage of this issue:

All the best in your experimentation. Remember, do not look at the pretty UV light without eye protection and body shielding. And do not put it in the open in an aquarium or pond, unless you want a bunch of tortured, blind, cancerous and dead fish on your hands and in your conscience.

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