Why would you Let Go of someone you Love?-Dr. PHIlippines

4 years ago

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I think this statement comes from the sentiment that someone has strong feelings for someone-they feel like they love someone-however the person they are passionate about is not as interested in them. The one in love spends time and energy focusing on the other person who is not going to reciprocate their love. Maybe the one not returning the love really should, but for whatever reason just can’t see that they are missing out on something good in their life.

It can go both ways. A man loves a woman who doesn’t feel that way about him or a woman is in love with a guy who just sees her as another woman. They might ask themselves “Why doesn’t this person see how much I care about them? Why can’t they tell that I am the best person for them? I want to say three things about this and share a personal example. Watch the video for an answer to the question Why would you let go of someone you love?

#LoveQuestions #LoveQ&A #RelationshipQuestions #DrPHILippines

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