r3tard play rando rpg maker games14 (Sempiternal)

3 years ago

-can walk through fish box not sure if its intentional
-bar says middle district when it was upper district
-make bars for FP and MP its much better visually than just looking at a number, you have the space to put states above the hp bar
-can walk over helena at secret lake
-theres no point of using barrier since you cant know who is going to get attacked* alter fix it with the aoe barrier** also dont seem to be any state, does it lasts until you get attacked or its 1 turn? id like to know when l have it up
-burn does way too much damage since it cant even be removed, unless im missing something it completely destroy 100% of my life over 3 turns l dont even bother to heal over it
-alchemy should last until a potion is used, doesnt do anything else so if you press by mistake youre just going to waste it
-l had barrier and heal+def buff up my char still die because of burn shouldnt be possible* yeah the only reason l beat him is pure luck if you dont know whos hes going to target then its just stupid to do barrier/brace and burn completely destroy anyone even at full hp. revive pot and he attack the invulnerability saves you a bunch of life which is cheesy as fuck
-autoequip books, l had no idea l was supposed to equip them until l upgraded my equipment very late in the game
-wasnt clear that you could only have only 1 debuff at a time, l thought it was only 1 expose and all debuffs were possible
-mana pots 20 mana is not enough for the turn it takes, sure it gives you 1 lp as well instead of wasting 1 using brace but id buff it to give 40 mana and full mana if alchemy because youre always going to use it healing anyways if its that weak
- l was unable to get both magic and attacks to destroy both crystals but the buff the spider get from devouring it looks really minor, maybe its just a wipe if both are not destroyed didnt tested
-since this is a turn per character based combat system l had a lot of trouble at finding the right time to use my abilities, even had to skip a turn doing damage sometimes because l didnt wanted to do a expose that would cancel the expose l actually want to do since you can only have 1 at a time. missing mana didnt helped either l had to redo all the turns then to do what l wanted but its more of a player mismanagement problem at this point.
the best solutions for that would probably be either :
skill that makes the actor goes behind the next actor turn.
instant skill that remove the current expose
free action until ending turn where all actors can do skills at the same time until youre out of actions.
+chain fights for bonus xp + limited amount of random encounters in each map that you can reset is the best design l have seen so far

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