Ways to Know your Filipina Better AFTER Marriage

4 years ago




This is where I found my Filipina wife- click here https://www.christianfilipina.com?affid=1096

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina https://youtu.be/HeUpxPTYCC8

This upload is about learning about your Filipina wife after marriage. I will talk about the general idea of continuing to get to know her, some things you can take to the bank she will want you to know about her, and some things you can do to get to know your Filipina wife better. I will put two or three links in the description box where a lot of these ideas come from, and sprinkle in my original thoughts and observations.

Please subscribe and get notifications to Love Beyond The Sea. If you have any interest at all in marrying a foreign woman, maybe you’ve heard Filipinas make good wives. If you are dating or engaged to a Filipina or have already married one, this is a video that you can learn from.

You are welcome and encouraged to leave comments I can respond to later. You might want to tell me about how you’ve gotten to know your wife better or maybe something has surprised you about her.

My wife and I got married in less than eight weeks from the time I winked at her from across the planet. All I saw was a photo and I probably always looked at a profile of a Filipina in addition to her photo, but in this case, she didn’t even have a profile written up and I had to go back from a work break so I just winked at her. At that time the thought of being husband and wife 54 days later would have shocked me.

Watch the video to find out some ways to know your Filipina better after marriage.

#FilAmMarriage #FilAmLife

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