E7 Easy Access Helm. Walkthrough Tour of Leopard 50 Catamaran Sailboat

4 years ago

We continue to explore and learn about the beautiful Leopard Cats at the Fort Lauderdale Leopard Open House. The Leopard 50 is every bit as stunning as I knew it would be!
With options you just don't see on other cats in her class, the Leopard 50 dazzles with a huge salon, beautiful staterooms and a UTILITY ROOM!!

Third in the Leopard open house series. If you missed the first one, E5: Short People Problems (Leopard 40) Leopard 40, check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1WO9vPUpgc and the second one, E6: Five Foot F#@k All!, (Leopard 45) you'll find it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIpLNmgxADg
Leopard makes some beautiful cats, and their Fort Lauderdale reps are awesome... thanks again for inviting us to this event!

Our opening and closing song is 'Who We Are' by Miah
Check out his band NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN! They are awesome

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