Moslems in Mayfair, JHB Burn Down Security Vehicle & Attack Security Personnel & Shout Alluha Akbar!

4 years ago

Mayfair which used to be the stomping grounds of the rich well to do liberals that so eagerly gave the country away, seems to have become a Muslim No Go Zone? Mayfair which is also the sight of the controversial Mosque (Jumma Masjid), frequented by many Somalians, saw a mob of mostly muslim men turn over a security vehicle and set it alight in broad daylight. They then attacked the security personnel and pushed another vehicle towards them.

This is during a period of lockdown which no one seems to be bothering about and forget social distancing. Where are the army and police that are supposed to be enforcing it? Of course none of this will appear on mainstream media and it might only be briefly referred to as “protests” or “unrest”.

All this amidst shouts of “Dhimmi”? and Allah hu Akbar. Dhimmī (if that is what they were shouting) is a derogatory term referring to non-Muslims living in an Islamic state who pay a Jiyza tax for legal protection…

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