People say I'm a great guy, why can't I get a date?-Dr. PHILippines

4 years ago

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Today Dr. PHILippines responds to the question "People say I'm a great guy, but why can't I get a date? Men who are jerks are sometimes able to find dates and romance, so what's up with nice guys being alone so much of the time?

I have been told similar things from people who knew me, and it is frustrating to try to put together an answer when you don't know what it is. You can't help what other people are thinking, unless there is some obvious characteristic about you that needs to be changed.

Watch the video for my musings about why a great guy might not be able to get the dates he wants, and find out how I went from rags to riches with nearly a five-year marriage presently. Subscribe for similar videos here on Love Beyond The Sea.

#RelationshipQuestions #LoveQuestions #DrPHILippines

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