Submit Yourselves to Every Ordinance of Man for the Lord’s Sake (1 Pet 2:13)-Appealing Vs Rebelling

4 years ago

1 Peter 2:13-14 commands, "Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good." Pastor Scott explained why the elders feel led to submit to government and appeal to officials during the Coronavirus lockdown (Covid-19), versus rebel against the command for churches to remain closed. He also discusses at what point the elders would disobey authority.

Here's the accompanying podcast:

Sermon Lessons for Submit Yourselves to Every Ordinance of Man for the Lord’s Sake

Lesson 1: We don’t submit:
• (Part I) ____ ______ (Dan 6:6-10; Jer 27:8-12; Acts 5:29-31, 40-42; 1 Pet 2:13-17).
• (Part II) ______________ and __________________ (1 Pet 2:21-23).

Lesson 2: Build theology with ______________________ supported by

Lesson 3: We do submit to ______________ ____________ (1 Pet 2:18, 3:1; Jer 27:8-12).

Family Worship Guide for Submit Yourselves to Every Ordinance of Man for the Lord’s Sake

Day 1: Read Dan 6:6-10; Jer 27:8-12; Acts 5:29-31, 40-42; 1 Pet 2:13-17, and discuss: Do you think submission is harder for Americans? Why or why not? Why does God call Christians to submit to authority? Can you think of other individuals in Scripture who didn’t submit to sin when ordered by the authority over them?

Day 2: Read Dan 6:6-10; Jer 27:8-12; Acts 5:29-31, 40-42; 1 Pet 2:13-17 and discuss: What does it mean to build theology with imperatives and support it with narratives? How does this lesson apply to the current situation? Can you think of some imperatives in the epistles that have supporting narratives in the Old Testament, Gospels, or Acts? What’s wrong with building theology with narratives versus imperatives?

Day 3: Read 1 Pet 2:18, 3:1; Jer 27:8-12, and discuss: Describe Jesus’ submission since Peter says it serves as an example for us. What does it look like submitting kicking and screaming? What does it look like to submit without kicking and screaming? Why does God command us to submit to ungodly people? Why is it important to remember that we’re submitting “for the Lord’s sake”?

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